Youth Pastor Search

Our Youth Pastor Position Profile

Characteristics Sought in Youth Pastor  Candidate

  • Works well with children, youth, and adults
  • Has a passion to bring non-church children and youth into the life of the church
  • Is a person of prayer
  • Is a compassionate and caring person, sensitive to others’ needs
  • Continues to grow in knowledge and skills important to youth ministry
  • Is able to give biblical counsel with confidence and discretion
  • Handles conflict effectively and efficiently

Experience and Education

  • Preferably, has a Youth Ministry-related degree or is working toward that degree (However, experience working with youth will be considered.)
  • Has experience in leadership roles

Job Duties

  • Works with Senior Pastor and Christian Education Committee to plan, implement, and evaluate the Youth Ministry Program
  • Organizes, oversees, and assists Wednesday after-school program for both children’s and youths’ ministries, Friday night Catacombs teen night club ministry, along with other special events such as lock-ins, retreats, etc.
  • Is effective in organizing, planning, and leading worship, including both traditional and contemporary/multi-media worship
  • Plans and organizes programs, activities, and meetings
  • Has a strong commitment to Christian education ministry
  • Assists in planning and leading Music Camp and Vacation Bible School
  • Coordinates and implements children’s and youths musical activities
  • Incorporates teens into an active life of worship
  • Is active in worship and fellowship life of the congregation 

Our Church Profile

Immanuel Evangelical Church originated in the late 1890s in Needville, Texas.  We are a member of the Evangelical Association of Reformed and Congregational Christian Churches (EA).  The average weekly attendance is 130 people in worship.  Our current staff consists of a senior pastor, interim youth coordinator, office manager, church organist, and Leaps & Bounds (mother’s day out) program director.  Our church government consists of a 12-member consistory in which the senior minister and youth pastor are ex-oficio members.  In addition to Sunday School for all ages,  we offer a midweek program for  elementary and junior high and senior high youth and a Friday night Catacombs Christian teen night club ministry.  Our church is home to the Leaps & Bounds (mother’s days out) program along with the community food pantry, senior citizens  center, and cub scouts.  The campus is a flury of activity nearly seven days a week.

Our Community

Needville, Texas, was established in 1891 from a German-Czech heritage.  Today, more than 3,300 multi-racial, multi-cultural people call the town of Needville home [with a total population of 13,196 residing in the school district] (2018-2019 National Center for Education Statistics) and believe in helping and reaching out to our neighbors in need.  The racial makeup in Needville’s city limits is 53.6% Euro-American, 23.96% Hispanic and 16.5% African American (2017 US Census ACS 5-Year Survey). Located in Fort Bend County and on the southwest edge of the Houston metro area, new residents arrive daily  in the town’s rapidly developing suburbs looking for a close-knit community with a highly-ranked school district that has 3,252 enrolled students; of that 1,022 students attend Needville High School (2018-2019 National Center for Education Statistics).  Needville ISD encompasses 200 square miles.

Youth Pastor Application Process

Download and fill out Youth Pastor Application and then email completed application and your resume with references to


Youth Ministry Mission Statement

Our purpose is to expose children and teens to God’s love, to connect them with other Christians, to equip them with God’s Word, to experience a Living Faith, and to honor God with our lives.

A Purpose Driven Youth Ministry

Our church’s youth ministry program is grounded in the 5 biblical purposes found in the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:37-40) and the  Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).

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Youth Pastor's Office

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