Women's Guild - Women's Ministry
Immanuel’s Women’s Guild is a group of women within our church who get together once a month to share a great time of spiritual devotion, fellowship, and refreshments.
We meet at Immanuel on the third Friday of every month at 2 p.m. in the Senior Citizen’s room. We welcome all women who are interested in answering God’s call by helping to serve others. Come join us!
During our gatherings, we plan ways in which we may be involved in our church, our community, and on a national level in service activities. These include:
Prayer Chain
If any member of Immanuel should desire prayer for anyone, the church office should be notified (979-793-6125) or Rita Hedt (979-793-7171; 281-239-4541). The first person on each chain will then be contacted.
Baking Birthday Cakes/Cookies
These are provided twice a year for SPJST Senior Living and Reliable Oaks, our local assisted living facilities.
Fort Bend Women’s Shelter
We collected needed supplies and are currently working on a quilt project for every bed in the shelter.
Little Dresses for Africa
55 T-Shirt dresses were made for girls in Africa. Becky Oberhoff was the leader of this project.
Funeral Food Committee
With the help of all women of our church, we provide food for funeral receptions involving members of Immanuel, upon request of the deceased’s family.
Quilt Block Cut-Ups
We meet every few months, usually on a Saturday afternoon, to cut the material squares needed to make quilts. Besides quilts for the Fort Bend Women’s Shelter, we have also provided lap quilts for the residents at SPJST Skilled Nursing and Reliable Oaks. We have a fun time cutting, talking, and enjoying refreshments. Rita Hedt is the leader of this group.
Thanksgiving Baskets-Baskets of food and a Lowe’s grocery store food voucher will be distributed to registered clients on November 19, 2018 from 9-11 a.m. at Immanuel Evangelical Church. A limit of 35 baskets will be distributed. Register by November 12, 2018, with Kim March, Office Manager: 979-793-6125.
Kroger Community Rewards Program
To help support our mission projects, please register to participate in this program. After linking your card, every time you shop at Kroger, a percent of your purchases will be applied to our rewards account towards a quarterly distribution. Please log-in to to your account at www.kroger.com, open “community rewards”, put in our account #HH137 (Immanuel Women’s Guild), and click “Enroll”. Please encourage your friends and family to enroll as well. Remember to check the bottom of your Kroger receipt where it should say: “Kroger Community Rewards/You are contributing to: Immanuel Evangelical Church Women’s Guild. If you need help with your account or have any questions, please contact: Erna Thielemann, cht-et@sbcglobal.net, or at 281-232-6321. We appreciate your support!
We also support:
Lunches of Love (provides food for children in the Rosenberg/Richmond area)
Needville Ministerial Alliance Backpacks and Needville Ministerial Alliance Christmas Toys (for our local children)
CROP Walk (funds are used to provide food for needy people both locally and world-wide)
Our area volunteer fire departments.
We enjoy hosting events for our church families such as Bingo Afternoon and Young Couples’ Date Night.
More events are being planned to encourage fellowship amongst all Immanuel members.
We meet on the third Friday of every month at 2 p.m. in the Senior Citizen’s Room at Immanuel. We welcome all women who are interested in answering God’s call by helping to serve others. Come join us!
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