Volunteers at Immanuel Evangelical Church understand the importance of building a strong foundation of faith in our youth.  We believe that a youth ministry ought to be more than just a place where students come to learn about the Bible, it should be a community where believers learn, grow, and enjoy life together as the family of God.   Many friendships are built and last well beyond high school through Youth Group.

IEC offers ministries to children, Kindergarten through 12th grade.


Children’s Fellowship (Grades K-5)

NISD school buses bring the kids to Immanuel Evangelical Church, after school on Wednesdays (September-May) where volunteers greet your children as they exit the bus and enter the gym.  From 4:00 – 4:30, kids eat a hearty snack and go off to their perspective classrooms with their volunteer teachers.  While with their teachers, children play games, enjoy fun and fellowship with their peers, and grow spiritually through lessons developed for their age groups. Parents pick up their kids by 5:45 p.m.

In addition to Wednesday night, kids in Children’s Fellowship participates in other special events including the Children’s Epiphany Party, children’s lock-in, etc.

Classes are divided into Kindergarten – 1st grade, 2nd – 3rd grade, and 4th – 5th grade.  If your children have friends that also would like to join, please contact me as we want to offer this opportunity to all. 

Youth Fellowship (6th – 12th Grade)

The older Youth Group members meet on Wednesdays.  On Wednesdays youth arrive at 6:00 p.m. and are served a full meal as many come from extra-curricular activities.  After the meal, the group gathers for  worship and an activity to promote fellowship, then breaks into smaller groups for lessons and discussions.

This group also participates in events on and off of church grounds such as various service projects as well as attending sporting, musical and cultural events, lock-ins, retreats and other activities.  Again, we are committed to enforcing our youth’s foundation in Christ while fostering close relationships between students.

YouTube video of our teens’ 2021 Good Friday Drama


Catacombs is our Christian teen night club ministry held Fridays from 8:00-11:00 pm during the school year.  All youth grades 6-12 are invited to attend.  Learn more here

Confirmation Classes – 8th Grade

As children approach adolescence, Immanuel Evangelical Church offers youth and their parents the opportunity to systematically be taught the foundational truths of the Biblical Christian faith through confirmation classes.  IEC has a long tradition in preparing 8th grade students to publicly acknowledge that they choose, for themselves, to receive Jesus Christ and to be born again, a promise made by their parents and sponsors during infant baptism.   


If you’re interested in signing up for Youth Group at Immanuel Evangelical Church, please download the registration form.