Samantha Sebesta, Director 281-202-9567

Welcome to Leaps and Bounds Mother’s Day Out Program! It is a joy for us to share in the life of your child for a few hours each week. We invest in the social, emotional and academic development of each child in our program. But more importantly, we are sharing the love of Christ with the children in all that we say and do each day.


Group of children posing isolated in white

Our students are enrolled as early as 2 years old through Pre-K 4/5 year olds. 


They attend our program on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 am-2:30 pm. 

Our 2 year old teacher is Mrs. Kathy Polak.
Our 3 year old teacher is Mrs. Kristen Grimland. 
Our Pre-K teacher is Mrs. Meg Gonzales. 
Our Director is Samantha Sebesta.

For more information please call: 979-793-6977 or email us at leapsandbounds@consolidated.net

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