Immanuel Evangelical Church History
Immanuel Evangelical Church originated in the 1890s when a handful of people met in homes for worship before acquiring a school house for worship. In 1900, this small group of Evangelical Christians built and dedicated their first church. Unfortunately, they only worshipped in it a few times before it was destroyed by the 1900 storm. In 1902, a small church was built in Needville proper on grounds donated by the August Schendel family. When the congregation outgrew that building, a new church building was constructed and dedicated in 1924.
The church facility was remodeled and expanded in the 1940’s and 1950’s. The current gymnasium and educational building was added in 2000.
On July 25, 1934, the German Emmanuel Evangelical Church joined with the group called the Reformed Church of America to form the Emmanuel Evangelical and Reformed Church. In 1957, the Evangelical and Reformed Church and the Congregational Christian Churches merged, and the result was the establishment of the United Church of Christ. In 1960, at an official meeting of the Texas Synod, Immanuel officially became a member of the United Church of Christ and adopted its new name, Immanuel United Church of Christ.
In the spring of 2016, our church decided to leave the UCC and become a part of the Evangelical Association of Reformed & Congregational Christian Churches (EA) and have since changed our name to ‘Immanuel Evangelical Church’.