Have you ever wondered where and how you might experience God, the real God, the living God in your everyday life?

Over 3,000 years ago a shepherd stumbled upon a burning bush.  There he discovered that he was in the presence of the living God.  The Lord told Moses, “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.” (Exodus 3:5b)

The amazing thing is that God wants you and me to experience that same kind of “holy ground” today.  Whether you are out in the field planting corn, working in a factory, or shopping for groceries, you are on “holy ground.”  Whether you are out on the football field, shooting hoops on the basketball court, taking an exam at school, comforting a loved one in the emergency room, or barbecuing in your back yard, you are on “holy ground.”  God is with us, and wants you to discover and experience His power, love and grace daily in your everyday life.

Part of our purpose, as a church family here at Immanuel Evangelical Church, is to help someone like you, and me, to encounter the presence of our living God in our everyday world.  Our church’s very name, “Immanuel” is derived from the Middle English, Greek and Hebrew words meaning “God is with us.” We believe that God is indeed with us in real and powerful ways through Jesus Christ our Lord.

We would like to invite you to join us in worship, fellowship and Bible study, so that you might experience the many ways in which God is with you in the real world.  Come, join us in discovering the “holy ground” of God’s love in your everyday life.

We hope to see you soon!

Pastor Ron